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Good Neighbour Scheme

The Good Neighbour Scheme is a joint initiative between Whitchurch and Ganarew Group Parish Council and St Dubricius PCC.

The venue has been moved from the Memorial Hall to St. Dubricius Church. Hopefully people will join us to see the renovations there after the devastating flood of 2020 and feel a renewed welcome.

We are still being careful following the lifting of Covid restrictions, but the Morning gives the opportunity for people to come together again and enjoy a good natter.

The Coffee Morning is from 10.30 - 12 noon. We meet on the first and third Wednesdays of the month. It is an ideal place to come and meet, especially if you are new to Whitchurch. Already new people have come and made friends and shared local information. Newspapers are available to read with tea, coffee and biscuits and there are visits from various support organisations such as the Police and Fire and Rescue Service.

This informal get together is open to all residents of all ages so please pop in to say hello and a chat.


Grow old disgracefully


Grow old disgracefully!


We very much thank the Council members and St Dubricius PCC members for their dedication to this project and the time and effort they give at each meeting which make this scheme such a success.

Symonds Yat and the River Wye. The Birthplace of Tourism

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