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The Finance Working Group


Parish Councillors


The Finance Working Group in action

The parish council's Finance Working Group currently consists of:

Sean McInerney
Roger Smith

Keith Shilton (Clerk)

The group meets periodically throughout the year. The parish Financial Regulations can be viewed by clicking here.


Finance reports for the year 2023 - 2024
Finance Report 2024FinanceReport.pdf
Finance Report Notes finance notes march 24 wg.pdf
Audit Report 2022-2023AuditReportWAGPC.pdf



Estimated Budget for 2023-2024 WAGPC Estimated Budget for 2023-2024.pdf
Estimated Budget for 2023-2024 Notes WAGPC Estimated Budget for 2023-2024 Notes.pdf

Symonds Yat and the River Wye. The Birthplace of Tourism

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