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Parish Councillors


Picture of two druid-like Parish Councillors


Two of the younger Council Members

Councillor's Details:

Name Telephone Email D.o.I
Roger Smith (Chair) 01600 890737
Simeon Cole 01989 567274
Graham Hassall (Footpaths Officer) 07896 947557
Sam Hickton 07817 467807
Sue Morris 01600 890981
Richard Mutlow 07973 263277
Derek Williams (Vice Chair) 01600 890474
Tom Watson
Parish Clerk, Keith Shilton 07932 373661  
Ward Councillor, Simeon Cole 01989 567274  


There are currently seven vacancies on the group parish council. If you live locally, think you can benefit the community in any way, and are interested in joining the council, please contact the parish clerk.

If you wish to view the Councillor's Declaration of Interests, click on the button to the right of their contact details.



Roles and Responsibilities:

1 Footpaths Graham Hassall, Roger Smith
2 Finance working group Chairman, Clerk
3 Lengthsman scheme, Parish maintenance and grass cutting working group R Smith, D Williams, T Watson, Clerk
4 Tree Officer Graham Hassall
5 Website and publicity R Smith, G Hassall, Clerk
6 Good Neighbour Scheme / Sticky Little Fingers S Morris, PCC members and residents
8 Coordinated Christmas Activities S Morris and Good Neighbour Team, T Watson, R Smith, Clerk
9 Planning assessments - submission / consideration for the Parish Council G Hassall, R Smith
Note – all planning matters and applications are discussed by all PC members as an agenda item at the respective Parish Council meeting and a resolution made
10 Data Protection Act and related matters Chairman, Clerk
11 Coordination with the appointed Parish Lengthsman related to Parish maintenance / agreed projects / footpath maintenance Clerk, Chairman
12 Balfour Beatty Contractor coordination including the Locality Steward Clerk, Chairman
13 Doward road closure matters Main coordinator / Representative Chairman
14 Road and Traffic related matters including A40 Clerk, Chairman (following resolutions from PC members)
15 Technical advisor special projects T Watson, R Mutlow
16 Play area inspection Clerk – together with ROSPA inspection and annual service of all items and replacement of any necessary parts.
17 Red Telephone boxes x2 Chairman. These have been adopted from BT by the Parish Council and have been refurbished by The Local History Society.
18 Regular Inspection of the Parish Regular inspection is made by the Chairman of the whole Parish on a monthly basis and as required (weather conditions) more frequently.


Note – All PC members can attend all working group meetings if they wish and participate in these meetings. Working groups and Officers report to the Parish Council with their submissions and recommendations requiring discussion and resolution from the full Parish Council.

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